Asteron Roleplay Minecraft Wiki

Definition of: Anarchism[]

Anarchism is a political ideology associated with the belief of no establishment of government, no regulatory system of law and boundries, no authority and no forced participation. Anarchism also can systematically in theory work as a anarch-commune in which a community works together in the means of production and developing the world without any representative or dictatorial leadership. Many anarchists are associated with violent activities most of the time in acts against the state. Militant anarchist groups carry out acts of sabotage towards government industry, civil service and military these being the more extreme form of anarchists who do not tolerate apparatus of the state (public services). In corresponding to Socialist principles, anarchism advocates the destruction of class hierarchy. In it's own principles it believes of self-government, voluntary institutions and is against the systematic principles of collectivization and conscription, etc.

In times of the early 20th century and the First World War, Anarchists have been pro-war in countries where a monarchy is present. During wartime a monarchy is in vulnerable to revolution and anarchists take advantage of this therefore taking a pro-war stance. Anarchists have proven to use these opportunistic methods, and so say, so have all revolutionary groups in particular.
